Cross domain policy woes

So I thought, shouldn’t be much of a trouble to connect to a socket server from a different domain.Oh boy how wrong I was!
After several days of frustration, looking over multiple love docs, boards, etc, you get the picture I really haven’t gotten anywhere figuring out why its not working.
My connection routine is simple, load up a file policy from the server and then connect to it.

function connect() {
    socket.connect("someip, "1050");

And then from the java server it waits for one of the policy file requests and then sends the policy file back like

if (packet == "<policy-file-request/>") {
 String policyFile = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><cross-domain-policy><allow-access-from-domain=\"*\" to-ports=\"*\" /></cross-domain-policy>\u0000";
 send (policyFile);

Now its not a communication issue as it receives the request from the client just fine.
However when I attempt to connect to the server from the web server I’m given a

ERROR #2048: security sandbox violation cannot load data from someip

Sigh anybody got any ideas?:puzzled: