[CS3] [AS2] Cant shake these bugs from my escape game. I need Help

So here’s the low down…

I have 2 weeks left to finish this for class but i can’t get past these things.

oh and one more thing…I know the point of this forum is not post FLA files and have people tinker with them…you don’t have to do any work for me but if you would check it out and give me the right code i would truly appreciate it

stop (); 
// Variable setting for Actions
Bussclick = 0;
Cardclick = 0;
Crowclick = 0;
Flashclick = 0;
Hammerclick = 0;
Laserclick = 0;
Oclick = 0;
Tkeyclick = 0;
Mkeyclick = 0; 

// Variable Setting for Visabilty

BussShow = 0;
CardShow = 0;
CrowShow = 0;
FlashShow = 0;
HammerShow = 0;
LaserShow = 0;
OShow = 0;
TkeyShow = 0;
MkeyShow = 0; 

// Declare state of objects
_root.Buss._visible = false;
_root.Card._visible = false;
_root.Crow._visible = false;
_root.Flash._visible = false;
_root.Hammer._visible = false;
_root.Laser._visible = false;
_root.O._visible = false;
_root.Tkey._visible = false;
_root.Mkey._visible = false;

// Function to hide permanantly

/*_root.onEnterFrame = function() {
    if (_root.Tkey._visible = true) {
        (TkeyShow == 1)

_root.onEnterFrame = Function() 
{ if (TkeyShow == 1) {
    _root.TkeyL._visible = false

/*_root.onEnterFrame = function() {
    if (TkeyShow == 1) {
        _root.TkeyL._visible = false

_root.onEnterFrame = function() {
    if (Tkeyclick == 1) {
        _root.Tkey._alpha = 50; //indicator of held Small Key item
    if (Tkeyclick == 0) {
        _root.Tkey._alpha = 100; //indicator of held Small Key item

    if (Bussclick == 1) {
        _root.Buss._alpha = 50; //indicator of held Buss Card item
    if (Bussclick == 0) {
        _root.Buss._alpha = 100; //indicator of held Buss Card item

    if (Cardclick == 1) {
        _root.Card._alpha = 50; //indicator of held Card item
    if (Cardclick == 0) {
        _root.Card._alpha = 100; //indicator of held Carditem
    if (Crowclick == 1) {
        _root.Crow._alpha = 50; //indicator of held Crowbar item
    if (Crowclick == 0) {
        _root.Crow._alpha = 100; //indicator of held Crowbar item
    if (Flashclick == 1) {
        _root.Flash._alpha = 50; //indicator of held item
    if (Flashclick == 0) {
        _root.Flash._alpha = 100; //indicator of held item
    if (Hammerclick == 1) {
        _root.Hammer._alpha = 50; //indicator of held item
    if (Hammerclick == 0) {
        _root.Hammer._alpha = 100; //indicator of held item
    if (Laserclick == 1) {
        _root.Laser._alpha = 50; //indicator of held item
    if (Laserclick == 0) {
        _root.Laser._alpha = 100; //indicator of held item
    if (Oclick == 1) {
        _root.O._alpha = 50; //indicator of held item
    if (Oclick == 0) {
        _root.O._alpha = 100; //indicator of held item
    if (Mkeyclick == 1) {
        _root.Mkey._alpha = 50; //indicator of held item
    if (Tkeyclick == 0) {
        _root.key._alpha = 100; //indicator of held item

_root.Tkey.onPress = function() { //button is pressed
    if (Tkeyclick == 2) {
        Tkeyclick = 0;

_root.Buss.onPress = function() { //button is pressed
    if (Bussclick == 2) {
        Bussclick = 0;

_root.Flash.onPress = function() { //button is pressed
    if (Flashclick == 2) {
        Flashclick = 0;

_root.Crow.onPress = function() { //button is pressed
    if (Crowclick == 2) {
        Crowclick = 0;

and in a button i have

[AS]on (press) {
if (Tkeyclick == 1) {

What that meant is when the samll key is equipped or

[AS]Tkeyclick ==1[/AS]

) when you click on door it sends you to the next frame…

Easy as cake right?

but here’s when things go south…

When i pickup a crow bar to remove a picture this with the following code

[AS]on (press) {
    if (Crowclick == 1) {
        this._visible = false;

That should work right? but its not…it wont trace…nothing is sent to the output box… I have no clue whats going on and its becoming a growing pain…

And i have one more bug that also baffles me…

When i pick up an item it disappears and goes into my inventory. thats good except if i leave the room and come back the item shows back into the room…its still in my inventory but the item is still there…

I’m guessing this is making no sense, thats why i attached my fla…
so the crowbar in frame 16 is to be used for the pyramid painting in frame 31
