After adding a new font to the library, exporting it for ActionScript, and assigning it to a combo box thisly:
myComboInstance.setStyle("fontFamily", "FFF Dreamer");
- I tried the following methods to embed it, which haven’t worked:
myComboInstance.setStyle("embedFonts", "true"); //-no worky
_global.styles.ComboBox.setStyle("embedFonts","true"); //-no worky
this.myComboInstance.embedFonts=true; //-no worky
The only thing that I’ve managed so far is embedding the selected item font, but NOT the drop-down list font by doing the following:
stateCombo.textField.setStyle("embedFonts", "true");
Now, how do I make it so that the font is embedded fully into the combo box?
I went on to also try the following, but with no luck.
myComboInstance.setStyle("embedFonts", "true"); //-no worky
myComboInstance.dropdown.setStyle("embedFonts", "true"); //-no worky
If someone could enlighten me on this and put a stop to my syntax guesswork that’d be awesome.
Thank you.