I have been using CS3 for the past few days and am kinda confused as far as some best practices and workflow ideas. I will put all my questions here but If you just answer one, I’d be very grateful!
If a movieclip that is exported for AS is manually dragged onto the stage(like in design view in Flex) and within that clip there is another clip exported for AS, what is the best practice for accessing properties and methods of the class for the child clip? In Flex, I can just declare the ID of the child as a public property within the component class and access all properties of that child. This doesn’t seem to work in CS3.
If there is a parent clip with nested children, and I need to play an animation several levels deep in a child clip that is NOT exported for AS, what is the best practice for doing that? Should the stage instance name be globally accessible like a DisplayObject ID in flex? Or do I need to use something like mc.child1.child2.child3.play();
When coding within a child mc’s timeline and I want to move up a level or two to access a parent’s timeline, do I need to cast each parent keyword as a MovieClip? This works, but it seems kinda clunky(i.e. MovieClip(parent).MovieClip(parent).play();
Say I have a stage instance of a mc that is exported for AS and it has a child that is also exported for AS. I am unable to access the child’s proerties from the parent’s timeline.
I get the following error:
1120: Access of undefined property next_mc.
Do I need to make a class for the parent mc and declare the child as a propery in order to access it?