[CS3] Help needed urgently with sound loops!

I have spent the last four hours trying to work this out, using a number of different tutorials and always running into roadblocks in one form or

I’m using Flash CS3 with Action Script 2.0 enabled.

Essentially, I want to be able to make individual buttons to play in one frame on the main timeline that turn on and off simple loops that I’ve made.

I have a video of a man dancing, and I want to give the user the ability to press nine buttons and activate each loop to play over the video.

  • I need each loop to be able to layer - so, each button controls only it’s own loop - giving the user the ability to compose the music that the dancer is moving to.

The way I though I would do this would be to make a single button for each loop, that when clicked played the loop, and then when clicked again muted that single loop, and then when clicked, played it again and so forth.

  • I have the nine loops cut up and in the library, but I don’t know how to program this.

Additionally, I would really prefer the loops to not be playing, and for the user to have the chance to build the piece of music around the dancer.

Many thanks for any help I could get.