[cs3] Rollout button responce help

I’m fairly new to flash and haven’t touched it in a long time. Needless to say I couldn’t do this even when I was using it 2 years ago, but here’s the problem.

I’m trying to create a flash menu for my website. Only the menu. I have it so when you roll over a button a new movieclip plays. When you click on the button it takes you to a new page. When you leave the cursor on the button the MC loops.

I want to make it so when you roll off of the button the MC stops playing and plays the previously “clicked on” button’s MC. Right now when you rolloff the loaded MC continues to loop.

For example. I go to the website and click on a new page. A movieclip plays and loops if i go the menu and roll over a new button a new MC plays. And when I roll off of that button the old MC plays.

Very confusing. I’m not sure if I can explain it any better than that. Can anyone help?