I was hoping that someone may have found a solution to this issue? I have just installed my new CS4 master suite on my new iMac computer and have been testing the new CS4 Flash for the past few days on it, what I have discovered is that when I run the download simulator the preview screen turns white until the file has loaded. Meaning, you can’t see the simulation, basically it is useless? I tested it on both my mac book laptop and the main iMac and it is the same on both systems? I only have CS3 on my PC and this works perfectly. It is a major problem as I use this feature very often to fine tune my pre-loaders. So PLEASE does anyone know of a solution to this? I have searched the net for the past two days and can not find anyone having this issue? The fact it happens on two separate computers rules out my system. I have installed it from my original disks so it is not a pirate or cracked version. I want to avoid installing it again as I spent many hours downloading and updating the program after it was installed! I will try re-installation as a last resort, but if this was the problem then it should have worked on the mac book or the iMac as it would be strange to have the exact error on both systems if it was due to an installation glitch? Any ideas’!:dilbert: