actually I am trying to create a pretty big image sequence so this is just a memory issue I think. I guess I am looking for suggestions on how to create this image sequence or work around the problem in a different way because I don’t think the IDE will handle this.
I have 1000 jpg images in 1920 x 1080. I am trying to create a swf with them that I later load into my app and scrub the sequence smoothly. One might ask why I do not simply create a video with those 1000 frames. The reason is that the video can only have a key frame every sec and that is not good enough for me. I need a super smooth 1000 frames of images.
Or do I?
Any way. The IDE always crashes when I try to create the sequence. I have tried to import only 50 at a time but eventually it crashes.
- Could I somehow manually create an xfl and compile without ever opening the IDE?
- Could I create a 1 fps video that has a key frame every second. Thus having a video that is 1000 frames long with a keyframe on each frame? I haven’t been able to - but it seems logical.