Hey there,
A friend requested my help on a project and wants me to design a library style card catalog in flash. The extent of my flash knowledge is mainly just making short animations and animated menus for websites. I started playing around with it to see what I could do, made small cabinet with a draw that opens when clicked and the user picks a card from the draw that will bring up a large index card with a books information. Simple and it worked, but this project will require 2,000 index cards of data to be organized into these cabinet shelves and I fear the concept of having this project stitched together by buttons may be too much. I was wondering if anyone knew of a different path I could take to stitch these together, or perhaps a link to a tutorial related to this project idea. Any help is appreciated, I’m still rather new to the depths of flash. I’m using CS5 Action Script 2.0.
Thanks for your time.