CSS and DW MX editable regions

Ok I’ve got my css and xhtml running ok but having problems with my editable regions. I’ve set them up in my masterpage so that when I insert a new page I can edit the main text, a image and one header. Both the header and main text works fine but the image region does not.

However when I insert an editable region named around at img src tag in the master page it breaks the image link. Also when I install a new page the editable region appears at the bottom of the page containing some of the main area text and does not allow me to change the image source.

i’ve attached my dwt, htm and css files thanks

Can anyone help I’m working in DW MX 2004 and need to know how to do this. Am I using the wrong region option or not st up my parameters correctly?

I’ve attached the htm file and.dwt file. I am trying to insert my editable region after the div “photo”.