body { backgorund: url(images/bg.jpg) repeat-x top; } Tells the browser to repeat the image across the x-axis, and align it to the top of the browser window
There are a bunch of different combinations, so here is the general structure to work from:
body { background: url(images/bg.jpg) repeat-on-which-axisalign-it-to-where; }
your options for repeating:
(blank repeats on both)
your options for aligning:
and you can couple alignment like so
body { background: url(images/bg.jpg) repeat-x top left; }
repeats it along the x-axis, aligns the image to the top left
theres a photoshop filter called Offset, which offsets the layer so that the left and right edges appear in the middle showing the seam which you will have to repair
i use 1px wide and however tall images for doing gradients, and there are a bunch of sites that offer free pixel-patterns for you to use
if i were to create a drop shadow of the content onto the background, would that be a background image of the content, or is there some way you do it in the body background?