[CSS] div doesn't follow scrolling

Hi People,

I’m having this problem on Safari and Firefox. When the page loads, everything is okay, but when scrolls, the div on the back doesn’t follow it, stays where it loads.
Please check here:


Please, someone have a idea?

Thank you!

Have a link to the page online or some code to look at? Kind of hard to help just by looking at an image.

Hi Ankou,

here it goes:



I haven’t had any time to try to find a fix, but the reason for the problem you’re having is from the height: 100% for the two rulesets in your CSS and the way Firefox/Safari handle it. Actually only one of those height: 100%'s may be the cause of the problem.

I was going to suggest a simple fix of making a background image for the body that consisted of the white background and gray (umm… blueish-gray) borders. Then just repeat that horizontally. But then I noticed that your body is already using the graident background image. So that wouldn’t work so well. :frowning:

I’ll try playing around with a few ideas and let ya know if I come up with something. If I don’t post something here, it’s because I haven’t figured it out… or I had one too many :beer:

Hi Ankou!

thank you very much for your attention!
if I find something, I will also post here…

Have a nice weekend!


Hi Ankou!

in a brazilian forum, http://www.tableless.com.br/forum
people give a tip:

put display:table at div:geral

Works perfect!

Thank you for the help!

Yeah I knew that would work I was just worried about browser support for display: table. If you check out Quirksmode.org you’ll see what had me worried – http://www.quirksmode.org/css/contents.html

I guess if it does fail in IE (Win and Mac) you could always apply a hack, but I try my best to avoid hacks at all costs.

Anyway, glad to hear that it’s working for you. Sorry I wasn’t of any use to ya. :slight_smile: