Hi, I am having a problem with a embedded font.
I am loading text from a XML, and applying a CSS stylesheet to the textfield that renders it. The font I am trying to use is “standard 07_53”. This is the code I have:
public function mostrarNoticia($modelo:NoticiaModel):void {
titulo_txt.text = $modelo.titulo;
fecha_txt.text = $modelo.fecha;
var style:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();
var p:Object = new Object();
p.fontSize = 8;
p.fontFamily = new StandardFont().fontName;
style.setStyle("p", p);
texto_txt.styleSheet = style;
texto_txt.htmlText = $modelo.texto.replace("@imagen@", $modelo.imagen);
The problem is that new StandardFont().fontName doesn’t return ***“standard 07_53”***, it also adds to the size and format of the font, and it shows Times New Roman instead.
Any way of embedding the font properly?