CSS not loading in dynamic field! PLEASE HELP

I got this awesome scroller from Skillet. Ok, so I have this movie clip Scroller that contains another movie clip textField that loads dynamic XML. I tried eveything to apply a CSS style sheet but I cannot get it to work! I know it’s probably something simple (it always turns out to be) Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance!!!

Here’s the code and the CSS code is all the way at the end (//LOAD CSS) before it loads the XML

// syncrinization with php file with sql datebase
// written by travis weerts of blackpulp.com
// copyright 2005 www.blackpulp.com
// define initial vars
// php/xml file to load in (relative location preferred)
xmlFile_var = "news.xml";
// location of content text
contentLoc_mc = theText.test_txt;
// define arrays
_global.content_array = new Array();
// what to do after xml is verified
function parseXML() {
	// find the max number of nodes
	var numNodes = content_xml.firstChild.childNodes.length;
	if (!numNodes || numNodes<=0) {
		// if there aren't any nodes
		// display the no nodes frame
	} else {
		trace("found nodes");
		// clean out the arrays
		// if numNodes is exists which also means it must be above 0
		for (num=0; num<numNodes; num++) {
			// define variables to use
			var n = content_xml.firstChild.childNodes[num].childNodes.length;
			// create an embedded array
			content_array[num] = new Array();
			// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
			content_array[num]["DISPLAY"] = "1";
			// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
			// loop through the current xml node and extract its 2nd tier content
			for (num2=0; num2<n; num2++) {
				// find the name of the node
		 	nameOfNode = content_xml.firstChild.childNodes[num].childNodes[num2].nodeName;
		 	// store the content within an embedded array as the title of the node
		 	content_array[num][nameOfNode] = content_xml.firstChild.childNodes[num].childNodes[num2].firstChild.nodeValue;
				// also store the value as an index to the array
		 	content_array[num][num2] = content_xml.firstChild.childNodes[num].childNodes[num2].firstChild.nodeValue;
		// after the parsing is done, run the following function
// what to do after xml has been parsed out and is ready to use
function doneParsing() {
	// this is where you add your own custom function of what to do after it is all loaded
	compiledText = "";
	for (num=0; num<content_array.length; num++) {
		trace("entered doneParsing-for loop");
		trace("content_array[num][DISPLAY] = "+content_array[num]["DISPLAY"]);
		if (content_array[num]["DISPLAY"] == "1") {
			theContent = content_array[num]["ENTRY"];
			if (theContent.indexOf("[") != -1) {
				trace("doneParsing-for-if condition one");
				while (theContent.indexOf("[")>-1) {
		 		theSpot = theContent.indexOf("[");
					contentLoc_mc.text = theContent;
		 	 contentLoc_mc.replaceText(theSpot, theSpot+1, "<");
					theContent = contentLoc_mc.text;
			if (theContent.indexOf("]") != -1) {
				trace("doneParsing-for-if condition two");
				while (theContent.indexOf("]")>-1) {
		 		theSpot = theContent.indexOf("]");
					contentLoc_mc.text = theContent;
		 	 contentLoc_mc.replaceText(theSpot, theSpot+1, ">");
					theContent = contentLoc_mc.text;
			compiledText += "<FONT>"+content_array[num]["title"]+"</FONT><BR>";
			compiledText += "<FONT>"+content_array[num]["body"]+"</FONT><BR>";
			compiledText += "<FONT>"+content_array[num]["date"]+"</FONT><BR><BR>";
	trace("this is "+this);
	trace("compiledText = "+compiledText);
	contentLoc_mc.autosize = true;
	contentLoc_mc.htmlText = compiledText;
	if (theText._height>theMask._height) {
		// set a variable
		targY = 0;
		// set the x position of the dragger
		dragger._x = theMask._width;
		dragger._yscale = 100/(theText._height/theMask._height);
		// set the drag action of the dragger
		// drag is restricted to the height of the mask
		dragger.onPress = function() {
		    startDrag(this, false, this._x, 0, this._x, theMask._height-this._height);
		// stop the drag
		dragger.onRelease = dragger.onReleaseOutside=function () { stopDrag();};
		// set the mask for the text
		// the scrolling animation
		theText.onEnterFrame = function() {
			// set a variable
			// this variable basically stores info regarding what fraction of the total text
			// is being displayed through the mask and ensures that dragging the dragger
			// from top to bottom will reveal all the t ext.
			// this allows you to change the amount of text and the scroller will update itself
			scrollAmount = (this._height-(theMask._height/1.0))/(theMask._height-dragger._height);
			// set a new target y position
			targY = -dragger._y*scrollAmount;
			// set the y of the text to 1/5 of the distance between its current y and the target y
			// change the 5 to a lower number for faster scrolling or a higher number for slower scrolling
			this._y -= (this._y-targY)/3;
	} else {
		dragger._visible = false;
// what to do when xml is loaded (verify the existence of content)
function loadedXML() {
	if (content_xml.hasChildNodes()) {
	} else {
		trace("no child nodes");

var myCSS = new TextField.StyleSheet();
var cssURL = "blogStyle2.css";
myCSS.onLoad = function(success) {
		if (success) {
			content_xml.styleSheet = myCSS;
			content_xml.text = test_txt;

// create xml file and load it
content_xml = new XML();
content_xml.onLoad = loadedXML;
content_xml.ignoreWhite = true;