CSS positioning help =(

I know I’m doing something stupid in my css and its driving me nuts… I Just need help with getting a DIV with 3 nested DIVS to display the way I need…

<div id=“site-wrapper”>
<div id=“header-wrapper”> (100% page width)
<div id=“header-left”></div> (aligned left)
<div id=“header-center”></div> (aligned center)
<div id=“header-right”></div> (aligned right)
<div id=“image-wrapper”></div> (100% page width)
<div id=“previous-btn”></div> (aligned left)
<div id=“main-image”></div> (aligned center)
<div id=“next-btn”></div> (aligned right)
<div id=“content-wrapper”></div> (fixed width… if browser is)
</div> (smaller srollbars are active)

Here is an image of what I need to do…
