CSS Positioning Problems

Ok, I’m just messing around with some CSS Positioning here but having a few problems…

Check out www.smelltheglove.net/css. If you want to view the CSS file, it’s at www.smelltheglove.net/css/style.css.

Ok now, why does the box on the bottom left not skip down 5px? I’ve given that box the “position: relative; top: 5px;” style and it works for the “Login” box but then the browser doesn’t seem to remember that the login box is 5px down and so, the “Useful Links” box doesn’t come down enough.

I’m explaining this really badly but I think just looking at it should give you an idea. In the code, the header boxes that say “Navigation, Login etc” are defined by the style named “boxtitle” and the contents are named “sidebox”.

Any help would be awesome. Thanks guys…