CSS problem with switching stylesheets

Hello all,

Not sure if this is possible, but I would love it if I could do it.

Basically, I am designing a website for a client. I want to show the client the website and give them the choice of colour, layout etc.

I have worked out how to to switching stylesheets. If you view the link


You can change the background colour by clicking on the small coloured boxes.

Now, this is all well and good, you will notice, if you click on the fourth box along, it changes the logo to a circular one, but it defaults back to the red style.

I would like the users choice to be maintained, so, if they click the black box, the website, the will turn black, and then if they click the fourth box along, the logo changes, but maintaining the black theme. So then the user could pcik and choose the different elements.

Now, the styleswitching works by having a default style sheet (the red one), when the other stylesheets are selected, they have one css property, and that is the different colour.

Any idea how I would go about this multiple style switching?

Basically, when the user selects a style, that needs to become the default, so that when a new one is selected (a new logo) the previous style (black colour) is maintained.

If you could help at all, that would be fan-dabby-dozy!
