Hi Folks
I got my HTML to validate, now I just need to get my CSS to validate… whats the deal??
Well… for the errors, it’s padding-top and padding-bottom.
As for the other things… just read the errors. They say what’s wrong…
i read them, i fix them, but it never works.
like that padding-top, patting-bottom… i fix, and no go.
Err… it still says bottom-padding:
hr {
top-padding: 2px;
bottom-padding: 2px;
color: #FF7C00;
background-color: #FFFFFF;
height: 1px;
Im not allowed to use that code… lol. Ok I understand
Now what about them warnings?
Nokrev is saying it should be:
hr {
border: none; /* this should be set to none I believe */
padding-top: 2px;
padding-bottom: 2px;
color: #FF7C00;
background-color: #FFFFFF;
height: 1px;
Instead of :
hr {
top-padding: 2px;
bottom-padding: 2px;
color: #FF7C00;
background-color: #FFFFFF;
height: 1px;
bigmtnskier… I actually prefer to use [font=monospace]border: 0 none;[/font]
Just look at the warnings. They say what the problem is.
i googled some of the warnings and it says that they are bugs in i.e. - so i dont need to worry?
Err… no. Which one?
Line : 21 (Level : 2) Redefinition of margin-top : h1
what does that even mean?
and when it says you have no background, i do! i dont know why its giving me warning
sorry guys, this is my first attempt at css lol…
That warning means you assigned margin-top already in your code.
Rather than using:
h1 {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
width: 400px;
float: left;
margin-top: 55px;
padding-left: 31px;
You should set the margin-top the first time…
h1 {
margin: 55px 0 0 0;
padding: 0;
width: 400px;
float: left;
padding-left: 31px;
[whisper]Or do the same thing without the short-hand…[/whisper]
The background warnings are really not that important, and I ignore them. They are there to prevent you from having black text on a black background and not realizing it, and similar things, I think. You have to assign the background again on every element where you define the text color. You may just use the value “transparent”…
ok awesome! thanks!
I have one question about that margin thing though, what are each sections of the 55px,0,0,0??
like the first is top margin - then bottom? then right? then left?
you guys are big help
im trying so hard to learn this stuff on my own without having to do it in school.
one more question
go to www.bigbrotherlink.com/soon
notice how some of the titles drop down to another line? how do i stop that?
If four are defined: Top, right, bottom, left.
If three are defined: Top, left & right, bottom.
If two are defined: Top & bottom, left & right.
If one is defined: applies to all.
You can remember this, because if you forget it, you’ll be in ***TR***ou***BL***e.
[whisper]Learned from Eric Meyer’s first book…[/whisper]
i dont get it.? (the trouble part? lol)
what about my other question?
Top, Right, Bottom, Left.
T… R. o, u, B… L… e.
Top, Right, Bottom, Left.
You see…?
ahh i uunderstand. clever!
now what about my other question
Making your font size smaller.
There’s a word-wrap function, but that doesn’t have wide support. What do you want to happen if they’re too wide?
but they shouldn’t be too wide - theres lots of space for it…
look at the comment section
the smilie faces - the happy one is on one line, and the rest are on another. Never had this problem with tables… lol
Try styling them with display: inline;