I have some css compatible problems between Firefox and Mozilla. Please take a look and help out if u can:
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1st problem (in red oval): same css & html code, but different result in different browsers. What i found out was Firefox css padding and margin in window#id tends to overwrite l#,c#,r#id padding and margin. In other hand, IE renders l#,c#,r#id padding and margin according to window#id padding and margin. how to overcome this problem so that the result in both browser is the same?
2nd problem (in red square): again same css & html code, but the footer i made appear half way in Mozilla but appear nicely in IE. How should I fix my code so that the footer appears correctly underneath my page in both Firefox and IE?
I hope i make myself clear enough. Really hope to fix this problem asap bcuz i have been figuring this all evening till midnight (before this the renders are even worse, but i manage to at least tidy up abit)
Thanks in advance!