Css text tutorial question

Hi! I posted this yesterday bit today the post had disappeared! Dis I write something wrong or is it something going on with the system??

The question was about the css tutorial on kirupa


It works just fine! But when I load the swf containing that text into another, the text does not show. The thing is that I have done one swf which is 700x500 which contains the text, and I wan to load it into several different and bigger (let’s say 1024x768), so it shows on different backgrounds with diferent colors and design. My guess is that it has something to do with levels, but I have tried different things and I very stuck on that. And to tell the truth I’m very dummy with scripting. Any help on that??

The code I’m using to load the small one into the big one is the simplest


Where loady is my movieclip and basic.swf is the one containing the text. I have placed this on first frame of the big swf (It has only one frame since it works only as a backgrond).