Curious about this

Hiya all, I am new to Kirupa Forums but have been working with flash for a while. I really never looked to actionscript for major coding… or even gaming purposes. Using the actionscript for websites isn’t hard but can be abit intimidating. My question is about a tiny game that me and a few are working on.

We have the main char… He is in a cage and he is placed on a table-esk (a round stage) around the table are supposed to be the enemies, which are supposed to run around throw things at the main char. The Main char is stuck in a cage and it doesnt move but it can rotate using the directional buttons, the items that the enemies throw are round sticky balls, its kind of a match color balls to each other…

Stuff is pretty much made but I am curious about how to implement a system with this… I mean, there is a bounds and if the balls build up on this cage its Game over. the more balls on the cage the slower it can rotate to match the balls thrown (decreasing the speed of the rotation incrementally with each ball stuck to the cage - I know hwo to do that part) but how would I make it so the enemies run around the table on a path but in a pattern each enemy would have on its own, and how would I get the movie clips (the balls) to stick on each other and recognize if they match each others colors…

Meow I know its a large request, but we have been wanting to come here for a while, but lol, people have ego’s and so do we… Now we are asking for help… :slight_smile: plz help thanks.
