Current Entries (Check to see if yours is here!)

Here is a list of the entries posted in the forums. If you do not see your entry, and it has been more than 24 hours since you posted your entry, please PM me and I’ll add you up:
[]Music Magazine - Ste
]Nature Photography - Armored
[]Enter: For Creators from Creators - Mitch
]Flate - Bluenar
[]stripez PC - raduku
]Electrozine - freeskier89
[]Hectic Sounds - hecticmedia
]TRANCEmission - antizip
[]Vectorize - bluenar
]Skatelife - hecticmedia
[]Tag - antizip
]Razerzine - evileks
[]Tired - crawli
]Bissfunk - bruff3k
[]beerQuest - williby27
]GraphicSpectrum - LionHeartAce
[]Nada - granjam
]Art, 99 - corea
[]StripezPC V2 - raduku
]GraphicSpectrum V2 - LionHeartAce
[]PYRO - Silvermetal
]Qonsole Central - Christov
[]Reflection - Sicerp
]dotFlash - _this
[]Flash Insight - williby27
]Room Magazine - sandmans
[]PhotoNature - flipflap
]Apple Life - markgriffo
[]n.d!go - n.digo
]Westcoast Magazine - dizzy
[]Gamezone - dizzy
]Wallpaper - Flipflap
[]Reflection - Sicerp
]Spray World - hecticmedia
[]Herotech - Pharoh32
]GraphicSpectrum - Lionheartace
[]Perfectionist - markgriffo
]StoneCold - biznuge
[]Alphabet Soup - teammelk
]Sketchers’ - theflash
[]Hopeless Romantics - ICEshortie
]3D Master - ravicreative
[]IDEAS - euforicks
]kirupaKing - ravicreative
[]Gangsta for Beginners - skunkycomics
]n.Digo - n.digo
[]PhotoNature - flipflap
]NEWkids - sandmans
[]Canadian Cubefarmer - maccski
].lifestyle - shiftedfocus
[]no font - berg
]iroC - ICEshortie
[]Wheels - nokrev
]StoneCold - biznuge
[]Culture - ravicreative
]Flash Street - pips
[]theMan - sandmans
]FIRST EVER - sandmans
[]Digital Artist - pips
]WEB - pips
[]BBall Jones - rickson
]Tastebuds - twinkle2me
[]Egypt - twinkle2me
]digiarts - musicwithcolors
[]ISO400 - atlemo
]Social Butterfly Magazine - rickson
]Hopeless Romantics - ICEshortie
[]Vlog Magazine - bunkle
]Snowboarder MAG - ApixDesigns
[]Kakao - yodino
]Myst - nene
[]Virtuoso Magazine - mooshueting
]Motorist - jrutter
[]INSPIRE - itsalljazzy
].: by Design - lfbaroni
[]EscapePod - gorotron
]getting dirty - quiri
[]Mahjog Studio Mag, Web, Games & Design - DuckGarou
]fashion ista - sowndarya
[]Insignia Sound - anif
]INSPIRE - isalljazzy
[]Psionics 2106 (zine) - j33p
]Journey Magazine - tuky
[]overnight … Celebrity - antizip
]NBA Street Magazine - skunkycomics
[]Artivist Quarterly - ahmed
]Vector - corea
[]ZNOW - dizzy
]Texas Cadet - jackchalat
[]World Habitat - jackchalat
]CGAM - magneto_ms
[]Kidzoom - theflash
]GraphicSpectrum3 - lionheartace
[]The New Porker - glosrfc
]Opacity - SPAD3S
[]Resources Magazine - leddel
]Macroworld - armored
[]Auto Innovate - rickson
]Stock! - sicerp
[]Kirupa Magazine - backinblack
]iKnow - backinblack
[]Bodge it Yourself - glosrfc
]CSSi - bloodpoolkid
[]Cult.Tokyo - jmg14
]Revolve Motorcycle - odysseimfg
[]Waves Mag - sandmans
]Precious Stones - twinkle2me
[]I, Fix - leddel
]Challenge - ravicreative
[*]Limbo illustration, design, lifestyle - pixelautomatic[/LIST]:smiley:

The link to raduku’s entry is wrong.

Thanks - fixed it :slight_smile:

the H in my screen name isn’t capitalized! :a:


Anyways you seem to have put evileks twice, and mislabeled that first one! :open_mouth:

mine isn’t
my mag

mine neither. i mean the new version;(

Mines, called razerzine, rather then rasterize, but it hardly matters :stuck_out_tongue:

evileks - I actually had your entry twice, with one of them having the wrong title. I fixed it.

raduku - added your 2nd version up.

G-nash - entries must be 800x1200 pixels in size.


not in list _this:

my mag:
please! i sent pm.

Updated all of the entries I found :slight_smile:

You missed this one:

Cheers! :slight_smile:

I was hoping to put a entry in the magazine contest. This is the Link: .

Criticism is welcome :D.

the New member Metz

Could you add these too, please?

yeah! this one aswel!?:slight_smile:

I added my contribution :slight_smile:

My addition :slight_smile:



thnx =D


Can you add the BBall Jones Magazine please?

Can you add Taste buds & Egypt please…

