Curve To oddity

Greetings all,

using senoculars path class, I am trying to connect an array or better, an object of points with a line/curve.

now this next code snippet works fine, however it seems to add an extra line aka “stump” to the graphics when i try it with curveTo… also it draws far too many lines according to my calculations… while the exact same code draws the correct amount of lines with the lineTo…

I’ve spend the last 4 hours trying to tackle this by myself, reading a ****load of blogs etc but i can’t find it.
a) my lineTo code is wrong as well… which i doubt… 5 points = 9 lines…right?
b) i need a good night rest…
c) a+b

Could anyone please shed a light upon my quest for the holy connection?
blessings! (ps i am not christian, i just feel high from staring at the screen for many hours)… :garfield:

so in short : EVERY dot has to be connected with each other. think of a network.

(on stage are 5 dots named resp. d1 through d5)
when you comment out the lineTo and clear curveTo you’ll see what i mean.
its like it adds a “portion” of the line

Can anyone help me here please? thanks in advance!!

import com.senocular.drawing.Path;

var SITES = [

var arrowmc:MovieClip;
var myPath:Path = new Path();

function DRAWIT():void
	graphics.lineStyle(.2, 0xff0033);
	for (var i:uint = 0; i<SITES.length; i++)

		var count = SITES.length;
		trace("count = " + count);
		for (var t:uint =1; t<count; t++)

			myPath.moveTo(SITES*.name.x, SITES*.name.y);
			myPath.lineTo( SITES[t].name.x, SITES[t].name.y);
			var endposX = (SITES*.name.x - SITES[t].name.y)/2;
			var endposY =  (SITES*.name.y - SITES[t].name.y)/2;

			var controlpoint:Number = 88;
			//myPath.curveTo((endposX-(controlpoint/2)) ,(endposY-(controlpoint/2)),SITES[t].name.x, SITES[t].name.y);
		trace("number of dots: " + i + " + number of connections: " + t + " = " + int(t+i) );