Cushy CMS

Recently came across what I think is a cool, free CMS.

First one I’ve used and it’s working nicely. Easy to use, which is what the clients with no website creation knowledge want.

For those who use WordPress (which is what I’ve gathered as being most the most popular), how does CushyCMS compare?

Wordpres beats CushyCMS.

By a lot!

Dude, if I can’t install it on my own server, it is useless to me. How am I supposed to open it up a fiddle with the code inside eventually breaking the thing?

Well looks like wordpress and cushy are two separate things in terms of the type of cms it is. i can see cushy being far more superior in terms of client control and only allowing the client to edit exactly what you want them to be able to edit, at a mass level. so you have one cms that controls 100 sites from one location, it’s a great idea IMO. but in terms of flexibility, manipulation and being more on the developer end of things, wordpress is “better”.

one thing i can tell that i don’t like about the way cushy handles it’s editable areas is that you have to assign a cushycms class. a more appropriate way may have been to use comment codes around your element like

<p>this would be editable</p>
<p>and so would this, yay</p>

so you don’t have to make extra divs that serve no other purpose but to make it editable through cushy