Custom AS3 RTMP Video Player Help (Streaming is fine, the scrubber isn't)

To those that help me with this tutorial, will get credit to whatever on one of my website tutorials here:
The streaming is all fine, I got it all worked out, but when I scrub, the duration scrambles. When I stop scrubbing, the scrubber literally sets to where the duration was read. Does that make sense? Other words, the duration isn’t accurate. How do I fix this problem? Is there anything that I’m doing wrong? My code is below or you can visit the link that I’ve shared. Please help!

// Import AS3 class files
import flash.display.SimpleButton;

// ##########################
// ############# CONSTANTS
// ##########################

// time to buffer for the video in sec.
const BUFFER_TIME:Number                = 8;
// start volume when initializing player
const DEFAULT_VOLUME:Number                = 0.6;
// update delay in milliseconds.
// smoothing for video. may slow down old computers
const SMOOTHING:Boolean                    = true;
// ##########################
// ############# VARIABLES
// ##########################

// flag for knowing if flv has been loaded
var bolLoaded:Boolean					= false;
// flag for volume scrubbing
var bolVolumeScrub:Boolean				= false;
// flag for progress scrubbing
var bolProgressScrub:Boolean			= false;
// holds the last used volume, but never 0
var intLastVolume:Number				= DEFAULT_VOLUME;
// net connection object for net stream
var ncConnection:NetConnection;
// net stream object
var nsStream:NetStream;
// object holds all meta data
var liveVideo:Video;

var objInfo:Object;
//rtmp of server hosting the flv
var FLVServer:String					= "rtmp://";
//flv file

var paramObj:Object = LoaderInfo(this.root.loaderInfo).parameters;

//var strSource:String					= paramObj['video_id'] + ".flv";
var strSource:String					= "6.flv";
// timer for updating player (progress, volume...)
var tmrDisplay:Timer;
// ##########################
// ############# FUNCTIONS
// ##########################
// sets up the player
function initVideoPlayer():void {
    // hide buttons
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.btnUnmute.visible    = false;
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.btnPause.visible    = false;
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.normalS.visible    = false;
    // set the progress/preload fill width to 1
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcProgressFill.mcFillRed.width = 1;
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcProgressFill.mcFillGrey.width = 1;
    // add global event listener when mouse is released
    stage.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseReleased);
    stage.addEventListener(FullScreenEvent.FULL_SCREEN, onFullscreen);
// ##########################
// ###### PB HIDEN TIMER
// ##########################
    stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, cPanel);
    function cPanel(event:MouseEvent):void {
        controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcProgressScrubber.btnProgressScrubber.visible = true;
    // add event listeners to all buttons
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.btnPause.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, pauseClicked);
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.btnPlay.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playClicked);
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.btnMute.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, muteClicked);
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.btnUnmute.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, unmuteClicked);
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.btnProgressBar.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, progressScrubberClicked);
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.btnVolumeBar.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, volumeScrubberClicked);
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcProgressScrubber.btnProgressScrubber.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, progressScrubberClicked);
    big_play.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, BIGPLAY);
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.fullS.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, FullScreen);
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.normalS.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, NormalScreen);
	// create timer for updating all visual parts of player and add
	// event listener
	tmrDisplay = new Timer(DISPLAY_TIMER_UPDATE_DELAY);
	tmrDisplay.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, updateDisplay);
	// create a new net connection, add event listener and connect
	// to null because we don't have a media server
	ncConnection = new NetConnection();
	ncConnection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);
	ncConnection.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityErrorHandler);
	nsStream = new NetStream(ncConnection);
	nsStream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);
	nsStream.client = this;
	nsStream.bufferTime = BUFFER_TIME;
	// set the smoothing value from the constant
	vidDisplay.smoothing = SMOOTHING;
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcProgressScrubber.durationBubble.visible        =    false;
    // set default volume
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcVolumeScrubber.x = (52 * DEFAULT_VOLUME) + 341;
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcVolumeFill.mcFillRed.width = controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcVolumeScrubber.x - 394 + 52;
function onFullscreen(e:FullScreenEvent):void {
    // check if we're entering or leaving fullscreen mode
    if (e.fullScreen) {
        // switch fullscreen buttons
        controlPanel.mcVideoControls.fullS.visible = false;
        controlPanel.mcVideoControls.normalS.visible = true;
        // bottom center align controls
        controlPanel.x = (Capabilities.screenResolutionX - 440) / 2;
        controlPanel.y = (Capabilities.screenResolutionY - 33);
        // size up video display
        vidDisplay.height     = (Capabilities.screenResolutionY - 33);
        vidDisplay.width     = vidDisplay.height * 4 / 3;
        vidDisplay.x        = (Capabilities.screenResolutionX - vidDisplay.width) / 2;
    } else {
        // switch fullscreen buttons
        controlPanel.mcVideoControls.fullS.visible = true;
        controlPanel.mcVideoControls.normalS.visible = false;     
        // reset controls position
        controlPanel.x = 0;
        controlPanel.y = 330;
        // reset video display
        vidDisplay.y = 0;
        vidDisplay.x = 0;
        vidDisplay.width = 440;
        vidDisplay.height = 330;
function FullScreen(e:MouseEvent):void {
    stage.displayState    = "fullScreen";
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.normalS.visible    = true;
function NormalScreen(e:MouseEvent):void {
    stage.displayState    = "normal";
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.fullS.visible    = false;
function BIGPLAY(e:MouseEvent):void {
    if( bolLoaded) {
		bufferClip.visible = true;
    // show video display
    vidDisplay.visible                    = true;
    // switch play/pause visibility
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.btnPause.visible    = true;
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.btnPlay.visible        = false;
    big_play.visible    =    false;
 bufferClip.visible = false;
function playClicked(e:MouseEvent):void {
    // check's, if the flv has already begun
    // to download. if so, resume playback, else
    // load the file
    if( bolLoaded) {
		bufferClip.visible = true;
    // show video display
    vidDisplay.visible                    = true;
    // switch play/pause visibility
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.btnPause.visible    = true;
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.btnPlay.visible        = false;
    big_play.visible    =    false;
function pauseClicked(e:MouseEvent):void {
    // pause video
    // switch play/pause visibility
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.btnPause.visible    = false;
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.btnPlay.visible        = true;
    big_play.visible    =    true;
function muteClicked(e:MouseEvent):void {
    // set volume to 0
    // update scrubber and fill position/width
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcVolumeScrubber.x                = 341;
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcVolumeFill.mcFillRed.width    = 1;
function unmuteClicked(e:MouseEvent):void {
    // set volume to last used value
    // update scrubber and fill position/width
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcVolumeScrubber.x = (53 * intLastVolume) + 341;
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcVolumeFill.mcFillRed.width = controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcVolumeScrubber.x - 394 + 53;

function volumeScrubberClicked(e:MouseEvent):void {
    // set volume scrub flag to true
    bolVolumeScrub = true;
    // start drag
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcVolumeScrubber.startDrag(true, new Rectangle(341, 19, 53, 0));

function progressScrubberClicked(e:MouseEvent):void {
    // set progress scrub flag to true
    bolProgressScrub = true;
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcProgressScrubber.durationBubble.visible        =    true;
	controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcProgressScrubber.x = controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mouseX - controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcProgressScrubber.width/2;
    // start drag
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcProgressScrubber.startDrag(true, new Rectangle(0, -9, 630, 0));
function mouseReleased(e:MouseEvent):void {
    // set progress/volume scrub to false
    bolVolumeScrub        = false;
    bolProgressScrub    = false;
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcProgressScrubber.durationBubble.visible        =    false;
    // stop all dragging actions
    // update progress/volume fill
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcProgressFill.mcFillRed.width    = controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcProgressScrubber.x + 5;
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcVolumeFill.mcFillRed.width    = controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcVolumeScrubber.x - 394 + 53;
    // save the volume if it's greater than zero
    if((controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcVolumeScrubber.x - 341) / 53 > 0)
        intLastVolume = (controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcVolumeScrubber.x - 341) / 53;

function updateDisplay(ev:TimerEvent):void {
	{ Math.floor( (controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcProgressScrubber.x * streamLength_num) / 630 ) );
	} else { controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcProgressScrubber.x = nsStream.time / streamLength_num * 630; }
    // set time and duration label Math.round((ns.time / streamLength) * 10000) / 100;
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.lblTimeDuration.htmlText = "" + formatTime(nsStream.time) + " / " + formatTime(streamLength_num);
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcProgressScrubber.durationBubble.lblTimeDuration.htmlText = "" + formatTime(nsStream.time) + " / " + formatTime(streamLength_num);
	controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcProgressFill.mcFillRed.width = controlPanel.mcVideoControls.mcProgressScrubber.x + 5;

var streamLength_num:Number;

function onMetaData(info:Object):void {

objInfo = info;

streamLength_num = info.duration;

for (var propName:String in objInfo) {
	trace(propName + " = " + objInfo[propName]);

// now we can start the timer because
// we have all the necessary data

function netStatusHandler(event:NetStatusEvent):void {
	if( == "NetStream.Buffer.Full"){
		bufferClip.visible = false;
	if( == "NetStream.Buffer.Empty"){
		bufferClip.visible = true;
	trace( );
	switch ( {

		case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
		// trace a messeage when the stream is not found
		case "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound":
			trace("Stream not found: " + strSource);
		// when the video reaches its end, we stop the player
		case "NetStream.Play.Stop":
function securityErrorHandler(event:SecurityErrorEvent):void {
    trace("securityErrorHandler: " + event);

function connectStream():void {
    nsStream = new NetStream(ncConnection);
    nsStream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);
	nsStream.addEventListener(AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR, asyncErrorHandler);
    nsStream.client =  this;
	nsStream.bufferTime = BUFFER_TIME;
	vidDisplay.smoothing = SMOOTHING;
	/* EXTRA */;
	bolLoaded = true;;
	bolProgressScrub = false;

function asyncErrorHandler(event:AsyncErrorEvent):void {
// ignore AsyncErrorEvent events.
function stopVideoPlayer():void {
    // pause netstream, set time position to zero
    // in order to clear the display, we need to
    // set the visibility to false since the clear
    // function has a bug
    vidDisplay.visible                    = false;
    // switch play/pause button visibility
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.btnPause.visible    = false;
    controlPanel.mcVideoControls.btnPlay.visible        = true;
function setVolume(intVolume:Number = 0):void {
    // create soundtransform object with the volume from
    // the parameter
    var sndTransform        = new SoundTransform(intVolume);
    // assign object to netstream sound transform object
    nsStream.soundTransform    = sndTransform;
    // hides/shows mute and unmute button according to the
    // volume
    if(intVolume > 0) {
        controlPanel.mcVideoControls.btnMute.visible        = true;
        controlPanel.mcVideoControls.btnUnmute.visible    = false;
    } else {
        controlPanel.mcVideoControls.btnMute.visible        = false;
        controlPanel.mcVideoControls.btnUnmute.visible    = true;
function formatTime(t:int):String {
 var s:int = Math.round(t);
 var m:int = 0;
 if (s > 0) {
  while (s > 59) {
   s -= 60;
  return String((m < 10 ? "0" : "") + m + ":" + (s < 10 ? "0" : "") + s);
 } else {
  return "00:00";
// ##########################
// ############# INIT PLAYER
// ##########################

Would you like me to share piece by piece to make it easier to correct?