Ok, so I’ve got my head around AS3 from a procedural approach, but I now want to write more code in class form.
As I do a bit with XML, I’ve written this little class for handling XML URL requests. Basically you pass it a url and a call back function you want notified when the XML is loaded. Similar to what you can do using the built in URL loader classes etc. I wanted to achieve that “Black Box” approach however, when I just have to create a new instance of a class and pass it the info I want, getting back what I want, without having to edit the class each time I want to pass it a different XML file url.
So, looking at the below, am I on the right track with this approach. This is the first AS3 class I have attempted to write.
Here is the class:
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
import flash.net.URLLoader;
public class loadXml extends Sprite {
public var myXML:XML;
public var myXLoader:URLLoader
private var myXMLURL:URLRequest
private var XML_URL:String
public function loadXml(url:String, callBack:Function) {
myXML = new XML();
XML_URL = url;
myXMLURL = new URLRequest(XML_URL);
myXLoader = new URLLoader(myXMLURL);
myXLoader.addEventListener("complete", callBack);
And here is how I instantiate it and use it on the main timeline or in my documents class etc.
var testXML:XML = new XML();
var myloadXml:loadXml = new loadXml("gallery1.xml", checkLoad)
function checkLoad(evt:Event){
testXML = XML(evt.target.data)
trace(testXML)//outputs raw XML data, to be accessed how you see fit.
Things I have yet to figure out, are simply passing the class a var that the class will add the XML data to for me, and destroying the class event listener I create for the loading complete event.