Hi fellow designers/ developers,
I created a class that displays text with added effects to it receiving string as its required parameter. It is extended to Sprite by default however when I made it clickable by adding MouseEvent and assigning its buttonMode to true, the useHandCursor won’t work even if I switch it to true (I know its default is true once buttonMode is true).
I tried tracing the problem through the MouseEvent handler by tracing the event.target and it traces an [object Textfield] instead of my custom class. Weird because I’m using my class in setting the buttonMode and useHandCursor properties. This custom class has a TextField inside it and when I tried removing that TextField in the class the useHandCursor works. I find this weird cause I already extended my class to Sprite so why in the world would it target the TextField inside it which is btw a private variable?
Any help or suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks!