Hi. I’m using Flash CS3/Action Script 3. I used Mouse.hide to hide the original cursor, then attached a custom cursor (GIF) to follow the mouse around and serve as a new cursor. The custom cursor keeps disappearing behind various elements however.
Using AS3 I did:
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, moveCursor);
function moveCursor(myevent:MouseEvent):void{
I’ve tried shifting the layers around and playing with the stacking order, but the cursor keeps disappearing between various elements on different layers.
Could anyone explain (in newbie detail) how I keep the cursor in view at all times?
Do i need to use the addChildAt command? And if so, how do I keep the cursor at the top of the stack as new elements are added later in the timeline?
I’m also noting a further problem that after visiting a few spots on my timeline, I get a second mycursor_mc appearing and the mouse stops functioning (mycursor still follows the mouse movements but i can’t click on any buttons)