I’m having trouble implementing custom cursors.
so far, I’ve hidden the standard one, and got a cursor that can even change depending on status. But now my drag and drop (droptarget) doesn’t seem to work. Anyone got any ideas?? Anything gratefully appreciated.
This is a bit of what I’ve got:
_root.hotspot_mc.onRollOver = function() {
_root.hotspot_mc.onPress = function() {
_root.hotspot_mc.onRelease = function() {
_root.hotspot_mc.onRollOut = _root.hotspot_mc.onReleaseOutside = function() {
boot_mc.onPress = function():Void {
xstart = this._x;
ystart = this._y;
boot_mc.onRelease = function():Void {
if (eval(boot_mc._droptarget) == bootTarget_mc) {
this.enabled = false;
this._x = 679.8;
this._y = 268.2;