Custom Cursor on MC ROLL_OVER only help!

I am having issues with making a script that will change the cursor to my custom cursor when it rolls over an invisible mc.

this is what I want.

I have a MC whose color is set to Alpha 0 which is placed over an area where
I want on ROLL_OVER the mouse to change to my custom cursor (which will indicate that a mouse click will “do something”)

this is what I have done.

1. created a MC that will be used as my Custom Cursor with alignment sent to center/middle (or center sq. in the grid)
2. I have exported it for AS
3. I have used the following code….

//roll over and roll out event handlers:  (tgIcon_mc is the MC that I want to make active.)
tgIcon_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, rollOverHandler); 
tgIcon_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, rollOutHandler); 

//this is our custom cursor 
var myCursor:cursor_mc = new cursor_mc(); 

//here we hide the mouse, and do the stuff we've talked about earlier in this thread 
function rollOverHandler(e:MouseEvent):void 

//here we update the custom cursor's position 
function enterFrameHandler(e:Event):void 
    myCursor.x = mouseX; 
    myCursor.y = mouseY; 
//if the cursor roles out of my_mc, we go back to the default cursor 
function rollOutHandler(e:MouseEvent):void 
   myCursor.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler); 

now what is happening is it works BEAUTIFULLY with one BIG exception.
the mouse icon strobes (about 20x / second) between the custom icon and the normal pointer one.

how do I remedy this situation?
I am sure I am overlooking something silly.
