Custom Event and variable parameters count

This is more a question then a problem, so excuse me if I post it in a wrong category.
What I want to know is: is it possible to create custom event with variable arguments count? I ask this because currently I use anonymous functions on events with variable parameters count to pass arguments to appropriate function, i.e:

addEventListener( MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, function(evt:MouseEvent):void{mTBGp( pX, pY, l_w, l_h, isDone )}, false, 0, false );
addEventListener( MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, function(evt:MouseEvent):void{mTBGe( pX, pY, l_w, l_h  )}, false, 0, false );

and I don’t want to do that because of weakReference.
Please share You knowledge to this additions questions:

  1. From what I know if I set weakReference to true with anonymous function on in addEventListener GarbageCollector will delete them (and indeed I can see that my code stops to work on random, due to GC “kickin in”)
  2. When i delete my Object with addEventListener( weakReference = false ) the memory used by addEventListener is not freed ( unconfirmed, please elaborate on that subject also)
    That’s why, from My point of view, usage of custom event is best, but unfortunately I use many addEventListeners with variable parameters count so (in above example 2 listeners. one 5 arg, second 4 arg) is there a way to do something like this? To write event that will take x parameters of any type?

Thank You far any advise or info.
Best regards