So I have a group of MenuItems (Extends sprite) that are dynamically created from the coding in my as frame in my timeline.
for(var i:int=0;i<menuArray;i++){
var tmp:MenuItem = new MenuItem(menuArray*);;
in the coding for these menuitems is a line that dispatches a custom event when one of them is selected. I would like all of the menuItems to react when one is pressed. Leaving out the extraneous stuff my coding is:
public static const MENU_SELECTED:String="MENU_SELECTED";
addEventListener(MenuItem.MENU_SELECTED, menuReset);
function menuDownListener(e:MouseEvent):void{
dispatchEvent(new Event(MenuItem.MENU_SELECTED));
in my menuReset function I have a trace command that displays the id variable I set up for each menu item.
The problem is that it only ever runs the menuReset function for the menu item that gets pressed. None of the other items react to the listener?
What am I missing here?
Thanks guys!