I just made a webpage this afternoon using a lot of javascript stuffs to make it all spiffy…and alas, when I went to preview it, I realized I had forgotten to put in my custom scrollbars…
Silly me, indeed.
However, I went to put them in…and the script for them seems to clash with my other stuff…it screws all the aligning up and whatnot. This is the page here :: (heavily under construction, I’m ashamed, oh well)
it doesnt like me… it won’t fit in there without kickin my alignments ***…hmm… I wonder why it does that? Is there another way? Could someone paste the entire thing for me so I can see how it’s done?
it doesnt like me… it won’t fit in there without kickin my alignments ***…hmm… I wonder why it does that? Is there another way? Could someone paste the entire thing for me so I can see how it’s done?
:trout: **
It is just CSS, there should be no reason it kicks your alignment out as all it changes is color and nothing else. There must be something else doing that.
And again, this is all just Meta tags, javascript, and CSS. None of this should be throwing your alignment out of whack in the HTML page itself (although in DW it does appear to be thrown out of whack if you check the file it will be fine). You just need to copy and paste it between the <HEAD></HEAD> tags.