Customisable scroll bar

Im trying to add a scrollbar to my site, but dont wish to go through all the hassle of making my own from scratch at this moment in time - my experience with flash simply isnt good enough.

The one included with flash mx is fine… but its grey and very dull, and doesnt fit in with the design of the site.

Does anybody know where i can get a similar scrollbar component… but one which i can alter the colour scheme to fit.


// setting the colors of our scrollbars
globalStyleFormat.face = 0xECECEC;
globalStyleFormat.highlight = 0xC0CCD8;
globalStyleFormat.highlight3D = 0xC0CCD8;
globalStyleFormat.darkshadow = 0x000000;
globalStyleFormat.shadow = 0x4E657C;
globalStyleFormat.arrow = 0x484848;
globalStyleFormat.foregroundDisabled = 0xC0CCD8;
globalStyleFormat.scrollTrack = 0xEBEBEB;
globalStyleFormat.focusRectInner = 0xDBDCE5;
globalStyleFormat.focusRectOuter = 0x9495A2;
globalStyleFormat.background = 0xC0CCD8;
globalStyleFormat.selectionUnfocused = 0xff0000;
globalStyleFormat.border = 0x4E657C;
// applying changes that we made to the UI scrollbar colors