Cyborg Name Generator

Thought this would make you giggle. It’s a “Cyborg Name Generator” at

Play peacefully now, boys and girls.

Man this is soo coooL!

btw I saw a movie yesterday and there were cyborgs in it! (some kinda robots)

Spooky. :slight_smile:

Btw Syko, I’ve just noticed what you’ve written under your name!

beware of the Synthetic Ytterbium Killing Organism! aka Syko

K.I.T.A.R.I.A.: Kinetic Intelligent Technician Assembled for Repair and Intensive Assassination

Well we’ve already established that I’m a psychopath, thanks to that test j0se posted, this is the next logical step… :slight_smile:

Mwa ha ha!

This board my have two World Dictators in the making, but I will be Master of the Universe! (Or was that He-Man?)

very COOL!!!


Fester, it fits you like a glove man…

Why yes it does Phil…yes it does :bandit:

How nice.

<IMG SRC=“” WIDTH=240 HEIGHT=150 ALT=“Lifeform Optimized for Sabotage and Terran Infiltration/Networked Biomechanical Exploration and Troubleshooting Android” BORDER=0>

<IMG SRC=“” WIDTH=240 HEIGHT=150 ALT=“Synthetic Humanoid Assembled for Nocturnal Exploration” BORDER=0>

<IMG SRC=“” WIDTH=240 HEIGHT=150 ALT=“Wireless Artificial Lifeform Designed for Exploration and Ceaseless Killing” BORDER=0>

This is awesome…lol.

My first name :stuck_out_tongue:

C.H.R.I.S.T.I.A.N.: Cybernetic Humanoid Responsible for Infiltration and Sabotage/Technician Intended for Assassination and Nullification

Somebody bump this!

Heh heh. So far this generator has revealed that many of us are in fact cyborgs bent on the descruction / takeover of the world. Covert assassins, if you will.

I feel that I am about to modify my London Angel image to reflect my new calling… :slight_smile:

Hey kit!
Cool link :slight_smile: Here’s mine:

…and my last name:

My entire last name wouldn’t fit lol.

Kirupa :rambo:

just found uot that Kirupa is Kinetic Intelligent Repair and Ultimate Peacekeeping Android (K.I.R.P.A.)…

same goes to:
Asphalt (Kinetic Intelligent Repair and Ultimate Peacekeeping Android)
Kitiara (Kinetic Intelligent Technician Intended for Accurate Repair and Assassination)
E.Geek (Entity Generated for Exploration and Efficient Killing)
Lost (Lifeform Optimized for Sabotage and Troubleshooting)
and Ilyas (Intelligent Lifeform Yearning for Assassination and Sabotage)

i heard there’s more of them around here

i’ll post them ASA i’ll find them…

Searching to see if something like this has already been posted usually helps fluid :wink:

lol. and I didnt know ‘asphalt’ was spelt ‘k-i-r-u-p-a’… weird :stuck_out_tongue:

kirupacowboy :wink: - hey, that’s got a nice ring to it… :stuck_out_tongue:

(oh and for the record: A.S.P.H.A.L.T.: Artificial Synthetic Person Hardwired for Assassination and Logical Troubleshooting :))


ASPHALT - mistake :sigh:

fluid - Functional Lifeform Used for Infiltration and Destruction

me likes =)

*Originally posted by kirupa *
**Searching to see if something like this has already been posted usually helps fluid :wink: **
maybe that’s because you didnt search for it fluid_0ne :stuck_out_tongue: