"cycling" to a number with AS

… ok, i want to creat a dynamic text field and be able to cycle from “1” to another number, w/e number i choose, basicaly like a preloader, but with me inputting the final number, hence the final number is not based on a percent, or math equation. Im sure this is actually very easy, i just cant see to figure it out.


any information about the speed at which you want it to count up or anything??? going from say 1 to 20 may go so fast you’d never see it counting, so you may want to use the setinterval function to increment the text field a little slower…basically (if i get what youre asking) you want to set the text field in the first frame…

mytextfield.text = 1;

then loop through the next two frames, one with this code…


and the third that says go back to frame 2…be sure to have the textfield in a seperate layer that spans all the frames with the code…also this is more of an mx solution (instance names on textfields)…for flash 5, use the “var” property to increment a variable linked to the textfield…hope that helps…rob