///Dad in Four weeks///

you could call him toad, heh

whoa, didnt think id get this much feedback! you people must really care…

names we like are : sebastian, liam, spencer, lennon & jack.

names i like : mario, casper, bowser, dr robotnik and matthew jr.

i’m tempted by the name Zidane.

and Raul.

and Vieri.

Lennon is a nice name (-:

heh, dr robotnik, what fun that name would be for a child growing up in todays world. he’d probahly kill himself due to abuse from other kids.

but jack and lennon both sound good to me. you’ve gotta keep in mind that if his names longer like sebastian, he’ll get a nick name or a shorter version of his name fast.

this naming thing will be the end of me…



Go with sebastian… thats such a cool name.
Spencer isnt bad either.

cloud. or sephiroth.

Congrats! You will love being a Dad, I know I do. It makes everything worth while.

.::SNIFFLE::. That’s great MarioF…

…Pick really good 1st & 2nd names that go well - for when he’s famous… :!: … or when yer Pissed and shout all three at once ~Ya wanna sound cool when you do~

I like Liam. :smiley: