Hey everybody - i will be a dad in four weeks from today (the due date is 17april)
Cant wait!!!
Let us know when it happens so I can say “CONGRATULATIONS!!”
but until then…thanks for the smilie
Wow man! Must feel great!
Congrats!! Will you be having a boy or a girl? =)
or a baby?
Congratularions MF!!
waht name will ya give to him/her??
wow, i was thinking you were just a teen or something. anyway, congratulations! (in advanced)
the scan we had showed it was a boy! not sure on a name yet (but my girl wont let me call him mario!)any suggestions?
im 21 btw - but yeah, i still act like a kid! lol
but my girl wont let me call him mario!
how about wario then? :beam:
name it luigi!
maybe luigifan??
lol ;D
you should name your kid “koopa troopa,” at least make that his nickname…
and make a pixel baby when he’s born…
*Originally posted by mariofan *
**the scan we had showed it was a boy! not sure on a name yet (but my girl wont let me call him mario!)any suggestions?
im 21 btw - but yeah, i still act like a kid! lol
i´m happy for you and for your kid, for having a great dad as you
heh, pixel koopa baby. you should get him a mario hat to wear, that way he’ll grow up loving it as all children should
Congrats Mario!
Thats huge…
I want a kid pretty bad, but I dont think I am ready to calm down quite yet. I want to make entirely sure I can be responsible…
I have always been a fan of Anthony James…
Then you can call him AJ
contrats in 4 weeks! i got my two boy’s names picked out, the first will be John (dont have a middle name yet) and the second will be Michael Joseph after a member of my family
Name him WaLuigi or Kid Icarus and if it’s a girl, name her Princess Peach
(just stay away from the name Toad - it’s not very nice…)
but he said it was a boy…
what do you think the kid’ll think years later when he realizes that he was named after a character in a game.
almost like me: zelda if it’s a girl, or link if it’s a boy.
ah, j/k, ya groupies.
i am a liugi fan not mario:P