Dance robot, dance!

robots are definately not my forte, but i thought i’d give it a try anyway. this is optimus from transformers. he looks like he’s doing a jig :stuck_out_tongue:

<IMG SRC=“”>

God how i envy you! It does look kinda like a jig,but i am not one to talk lol. its still VERY good!

Wow, that’s excellent. Nice job! I wouldn’t even know where to start with something like that.

WOW! that looks great! Good Job!

Awesome, I love tranformers :slight_smile:

My friend would love this pic… showing him now :beam:

Really excellent job, just like all of your other images.

Super jealous here :-\ :stuck_out_tongue:

Dude! That’s so nice. That’s some great stuff.

^^^^ Serious TF Fan above me :beam:

nice pic, i’m proud of you son…hehe get it?! oh well… :o speaking of TF, anyone see the new show TF Armada? its so wierd…

ha, if that last comment was directed to me, then you gotta change your noun there, as i am a girl :stuck_out_tongue:

nice to see some transformers fans around here. i am not as much of a fan as i used to be, but now my boyfriend is hooked to it so i just keep on hearing about it :elderly:

armada is weird. i don’t really care for it. too pokemon. old skool transformers all the way :beam:

oh i dunno ur name has son in it so i was …ok nm
yea the last 2 attempts at creating an interesting tf show have failed miserably. Beast Machines sucked ass and so does Armada, but i luved Beast Wars and original TF!!

I lost interest after BM, I actually like BM, mainly for the look though.

Sonmi, its really cool, oh and btw, why don’t u battle vts here:

I feel like SUCH a pixel-pusher now…

Sonmi, u truly rule… :hat:

::bows to recieve the punishment of the big ass trout:::

yea lost the BM look was awsome, it was a continuation to the mettalic type look at the end of BW but the story was kinda dumb and i missed all my fav characters from BW…especially DinoBot

Lol, I hated Dinobot… definitely didn’t miss him.


ha! i’m still too afraid to actually battle vts. though a collab may be in the works in the near future as soon as i get a new aim name :x

yeah beast machines was pretty bad. the first episodes was pretty cool, but then the quality declined quite rapidly afterwards. beast wars was great. my favorite was terrorsaur-- until he died, anyway. maybe it helped that my favorite character was starscream in the original :smirk:

sonmi is my korean name. :stuck_out_tongue:

More than meets the eye! lol

I love transformers and thats cool =)