Hi I read this tutorial and made it work fine. http://www.kirupa.com/developer/actionscript/forms_database.htm
In [color=black]this tutorial Dave Collier AKA Digitalosophy explains quite simpel how to write the ASP script for loading data to an Database. What my question is now…how can I convert this ASP file that it doesn’t send information but gets the information.[/color]
I changed the script a little this is what it looks like now. Can someone help me converting this in a script that loads the information from a the Database?
<[email="%@language"]%@language[/email] = "VBScript" %>
strP01Wx = Request("P01Wx")
strP01Wy = Request("P01Wy")
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & _
"DBQ=" & MyPath
SQL = "UPDATE tabel_01 SET xwaarde = '"&strP01Wx&"', ywaarde = '"&strP01Wy&"' WHERE ID = 1"
I already made this SQL part but what else do I need to change…??
SQL = "SELECT * FROM tabel_01 WHERE ID = 1"