Database schema

I am trying to split up the database instead of having everything in one row. Making one large database. I could easily add all the columns to one table.

Anybody have any pros or cons to having everything set up in one table compared to the 10 tables I have below.

drop database if exists golf;
create database golf;

use golf;

drop table if exists user;
create table user (
user_id int auto_increment primary key,
username varchar(25),
password char(32),
cookie char(32),
session char(32),
ip varchar(15),
unique key username(username));

drop table if exists course;
create table course (
course_id int auto_increment primary key,
name varchar(30),
slope decimal(6,2),
rating decimal(6,2));

drop table if exists scorecard;
create table scorecard (
scorecard_id int auto_increment primary key,
user_id int,
course_id int);

drop table if exists course_detail;
create table course_detail (
scorecard_id int,
hole_id int(2),
distance int(3),
handicap int(1),
par int(1),
primary key(scorecard_id,hole_id));

drop table if exists hole_tee;
create table hole_tee (
scorecard_id int,
hole_id int(2),
club int(2),
distance int(3),
accuracy int(1),
shot int(2),
result int(2),
primary key(scorecard_id, hole_id));

drop table if exists hole_approach;
create table hole_approach (
scorecard_id int,
hole_id int(2),
club int(2),
distance int(3),
accuracy int(1),
shot int(2),
result int(2),
primary key(scorecard_id, hole_id));

drop table if exists hole_short_approach;
create table hole_short_approach (
scorecard_id int,
hole_id int(2),
club int(2),
distance int(3),
accuracy int(1),
shot int(2),
result int(2),
primary key(scorecard_id, hole_id));

drop table if exists hole_putts;
create table hole_putts (
scorecard_id int,
hole_id int(2),
number_putts int(1),
distance int(3),
result1 int(1),
result2 int(1),
sand_save int(1),
up_down int(1),
primary key(scorecard_id, hole_id));

drop table if exists hole_penalty;
create table hole_penalty (
scorecard_id int,
hole_id int(2),
penalty int(1),
strokes int(1),
primary key(scorecard_id, hole_id));