Date Picker (Display date and value display... )

currently i have the format for my date as ‘yyyy-mm-dd’ as this is how it inserts into the mysql datbase when i submit for the form…

what i want is the date to be shown in the form as dd/mm/yyyy but when submitted the value of the date will be ‘yyyy-mm-dd’. does anyone know how this is done… i have used mootools for this date picker script.

HTML page:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" 

<html xmlns="" >


   <title>MooTools DatePicker Example</title>

<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/mootools.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/DatePicker.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

// The following should be put in your external js file,
// with the rest of your ondomready actions.

window.addEvent('domready', function(){

   $$('input.DatePicker').each( function(el){
      new DatePicker(el);


<link href="styles/DatePicker.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />


<div class="yep">
      <input id="birthday" name="birthday" type="text" class="DatePicker" tabindex="1" />


And the DatePicker script:

 * DatePicker
 * @author Rick Hopkins
 * @modified by Micah Nolte and Martin Vašina
 * @version 0.3.2
 * @classDescription A date picker object. Created with the help of MooTools v1.11
 * MIT-style License.

-- start it up by doing this in your domready:

$$('input.DatePicker').each( function(el){
   new DatePicker(el);


var DatePicker = new Class({

   /* set and create the date picker text box */
   initialize: function(dp){

      // Options defaults
      this.dayChars = 1; // number of characters in day names abbreviation
      this.dayNames = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'];
      this.daysInMonth = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
      this.format = 'yyyy-mm-dd';
      this.monthNames = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'];
      this.startDay = 7; // 1 = week starts on Monday, 7 = week starts on Sunday
      this.yearOrder = 'asc';
      this.yearRange = 10;
      this.yearStart = (new Date().getFullYear());

      // Finds the entered date, or uses the current date
      if(dp.value != '') {
         dp.then = new Date(dp.value); = new Date();
      } else {
         dp.then = = new Date();
      // Set beginning time and today, remember the original
      dp.oldYear = dp.year = dp.then.getFullYear();
      dp.oldMonth = dp.month = dp.then.getMonth();
      dp.oldDay = dp.then.getDate();
      dp.nowYear =;
      dp.nowMonth =;
      dp.nowDay =;

      // Pull the rest of the options from the alt attr
      if(dp.alt) {
         options = Json.evaluate(dp.alt);
      } else {
         options = [];
      dp.options = {
         monthNames: (options.monthNames && options.monthNames.length == 12 ? options.monthNames : this.monthNames) || this.monthNames, 
         daysInMonth: (options.daysInMonth && options.daysInMonth.length == 12 ? options.daysInMonth : this.daysInMonth) || this.daysInMonth, 
         dayNames: (options.dayNames && options.dayNames.length == 7 ? options.dayNames : this.dayNames) || this.dayNames,
         startDay : options.startDay || this.startDay,
         dayChars : options.dayChars || this.dayChars, 
         format: options.format || this.format,
         yearStart: options.yearStart || this.yearStart,
         yearRange: options.yearRange || this.yearRange,
         yearOrder: options.yearOrder || this.yearOrder
      dp.setProperties({'id':dp.getProperty('name'), 'readonly':true});
      dp.container = false;
      dp.calendar = false;
      dp.interval = null; = false;
      dp.onclick = dp.onfocus = this.create.pass(dp, this);

   /* create the calendar */
   create: function(dp){
      if (dp.calendar) return false;

      // Hide select boxes while calendar is up
      /* create the outer container */
      dp.container = new Element('div', {'class':'dp_container'}).injectBefore(dp);
      /* create timers */
      dp.container.onmouseover = dp.onmouseover = function(){
      dp.container.onmouseout = dp.onmouseout = function(){
         dp.interval = setInterval(function(){
            if (! this.remove(dp);
         }.bind(this), 500);
      /* create the calendar */
      dp.calendar = new Element('div', {'class':'dp_cal'}).injectInside(dp.container);
      /* create the date object */
      var date = new Date();
      /* create the date object */
      if (dp.month && dp.year) {
         date.setFullYear(dp.year, dp.month, 1);
      } else {
         dp.month = date.getMonth();
         dp.year = date.getFullYear();
      dp.year % 4 == 0 ? dp.options.daysInMonth[1] = 29 : dp.options.daysInMonth[1] = 28;
      /* set the day to first of the month */
      var firstDay = (1-(7+date.getDay()-dp.options.startDay)%7);
      /* create the month select box */
      monthSel = new Element('select', {'id' + '_monthSelect'});
      for (var m = 0; m < dp.options.monthNames.length; m++){
         monthSel.options[m] = new Option(dp.options.monthNames[m], m);
         if (dp.month == m) monthSel.options[m].selected = true;
      /* create the year select box */
      yearSel = new Element('select', {'id' + '_yearSelect'});
      i = 0;
      dp.options.yearStart ? dp.options.yearStart : dp.options.yearStart = date.getFullYear();
      if (dp.options.yearOrder == 'desc'){
         for (var y = dp.options.yearStart; y > (dp.options.yearStart - dp.options.yearRange - 1); y--){
            yearSel.options* = new Option(y, y);
            if (dp.year == y) yearSel.options*.selected = true;
      } else {
         for (var y = dp.options.yearStart; y < (dp.options.yearStart + dp.options.yearRange + 1); y++){
            yearSel.options* = new Option(y, y);
            if (dp.year == y) yearSel.options*.selected = true;
      /* start creating calendar */
      calTable = new Element('table');
      calTableThead = new Element('thead');
      calSelRow = new Element('tr');
      calSelCell = new Element('th', {'colspan':'7'});
      calTableTbody = new Element('tbody');
      /* create day names */
      calDayNameRow = new Element('tr');
      for (var i = 0; i < dp.options.dayNames.length; i++) {
         calDayNameCell = new Element('th');
         calDayNameCell.appendText(dp.options.dayNames[(dp.options.startDay+i)%7].substr(0, dp.options.dayChars)); 
      /* create the day cells */
      while (firstDay <= dp.options.daysInMonth[dp.month]){
         calDayRow = new Element('tr');
         for (i = 0; i < 7; i++){
            if ((firstDay <= dp.options.daysInMonth[dp.month]) && (firstDay > 0)){
               calDayCell = new Element('td', {'class' + '_calDay', 'axis':dp.year + '|' + (parseInt(dp.month) + 1) + '|' + firstDay}).appendText(firstDay).injectInside(calDayRow);
            } else {
               calDayCell = new Element('td', {'class':'dp_empty'}).appendText(' ').injectInside(calDayRow);
            // Show the previous day
            if ( (firstDay == dp.oldDay) && (dp.month == dp.oldMonth ) && (dp.year == dp.oldYear) ) {
            // Show today
            if ( (firstDay == dp.nowDay) && (dp.month == dp.nowMonth ) && (dp.year == dp.nowYear) ) {
      /* table into the calendar div */
      /* set the onmouseover events for all calendar days */
      $$('td.' + + '_calDay').each(function(el){
         el.onmouseover = function(){
      /* set the onmouseout events for all calendar days */
      $$('td.' + + '_calDay').each(function(el){
         el.onmouseout = function(){
      /* set the onclick events for all calendar days */
      $$('td.' + + '_calDay').each(function(el){
         el.onclick = function(){
            ds = el.axis.split('|');
            dp.value = this.formatValue(dp, ds[0], ds[1], ds[2]);
      /* set the onchange event for the month & year select boxes */
      monthSel.onfocus = function(){ = true; };
      monthSel.onchange = function(){
         dp.month = monthSel.value;
         dp.year = yearSel.value;
      yearSel.onfocus = function(){ = true; };
      yearSel.onchange = function(){
         dp.month = monthSel.value;
         dp.year = yearSel.value;
   /* Format the returning date value according to the selected formation */
   formatValue: function(dp, year, month, day){
      /* setup the date string variable */
      var dateStr = '';
      /* check the length of day */
      if (day < 10) day = '0' + day;
      if (month < 10) month = '0' + month;
      /* check the format & replace parts // thanks O'Rey */
      dateStr = dp.options.format.replace( /dd/i, day ).replace( /mm/i, month ).replace( /yyyy/i, year );
      dp.month = dp.oldMonth = '' + (month - 1) + '';
      dp.year = dp.oldYear = year;
      dp.oldDay = day;
      /* return the date string value */
      return dateStr;
   /* Remove the calendar from the page */
   remove: function(dp){
      $clear(dp.interval); = false;
      if (window.opera) dp.container.empty();
      else if (dp.container) dp.container.remove();
      dp.calendar = false;
      dp.container = false;