Date problem

I think Ive posted about this before

but thats how desperate I am I have 2 questions

  1. how do you use the datefield to get a start date and end date then find out how many days had gone in between?

  2. I can get my total to be to 2 decimal places??

on (release){
extras = ((options.abQty25)+(options.dustQty9.50) + (options.truckQty * 25) + (options.lightQty*15));
dayVal = day.value;
DayVal = day.value;

rate = Math.ceil(DayVal/7);
costa = rate*;
totalb=costa + extras + ;
totala = totalb;// this is the part that is meant to be doing the decimal places
totala = totala * 100;
totala = Math.round(totala);
totala = totala / 100;
total.text = totala;