So my wife wakes me up at 2:00 in the morning Sunday morning, and says: “Something’s wrong with the computer…”
I go in the Living Room, and the monitor just says: “Self Test”, with the multi-colored boxes flashing around, as if the computer was off, but the monitor was on… The computer, however, is on.
So, after checking all the connections, I see nothing out of place, and am forced to Manually Reboot the system.
It comes up just fine, I log-in, start to check all my settings, and then everything locks up, and I can’t even move the mouse.
I reboot, and go into safe-mode. Log in, open the control panel, and then everything locks up again… I reboot, and the computer seems to boot fine, but now the only thing on my screen is “Self-Test”, and no matter what I do, I can’t get the screen to display anything…
Now I’m getting frustrated…
I power-down, and remove my GeForce, switch the monitor over to my on-board Graphics Adapter, and boot up - “Self-Test”. I check all my cables, jumpers, and switches on my Motherboard, grab an old (but working) monitor, hook it up, and get nothing.
Now I am devistated. Nothing in my machine is more than a year old, the motherboard was purchased about 11 months ago, and everything was in perfect working order the day before. I even unhooked my Hard Drive, and tried to get any kind of beep-codes, but the computer boots as if nothing is wrong no matter what. So here I am, one entire day wasted, where I can’t even check my e-mail, let alone work on any of the dozen or so projects I need to work on… I have no idea what went wrong, according to my Wife, she was just reading an article on Yahoo!, when the screen went to self-test. So I get to browse the forums while I’m at work, and feel sorry for my self, while at the same time being angry, and devastated at the same time. This sucks.
it sounds like it has to be either your mobo or power supply
does your computer power on at all?
Th PC powers on just fine. It acts like everything is okay, but the Monitor Cable is dead, except that no other monitors work either.
How’s it going along with the HD ?
HD is free of Virii, Disk Errors, or anything harmful, and all my Data is still there. All the components that I’ve been able to test in my tower (RAM, Drives, PCI Cards, Power-Supply, etc) seem to work just fine by themselves in other machines, but for some reason, I can’t get it to display anything… The motherboard is a DFI AMTC-75, and is only barely a year old. I’m probably going to get a new motherboard when I get my Tax refund back (and my wife, being fed up with the restrictions I impose on my computer, is going to get her own computer…)
I’m still baffled. :huh:
Join the club buddy. looks at footer Amazing that I wasn’t the one to cripple my own computer.