If I wrote a tutorial for this site, how would I submit it for your approval? Is this possible? I’ve done searches here on tutorial submission, but nothing turned up.
PM :ub:
You should PM kirupa about that, with info on what the tutorial is about, where he can take a look at it, … When he likes it, he will most likely put it live.
Thanks guys!! I did just that. :beam:
Actually fellas, don’t PM him about it, mail him instead, it’s no fun starting the forum up with a stuffed inbox.
I think he might prefer a mail
Oh, eeh, sorry about my pm’s kman !
Hi Freddy. :beam: <b>Waves</b>
There used to be a sticky thread somewhere that explained a little about writing tutes. Maybe it was in Forum Help somewhere, I can’t remember. But basically yes, if you mail Kirupa (or I guess one of us other mods) we can take a look at it and put it up.
=) cool a tutorial =)
I’ve done searches here on tutorial submission, but nothing turned up
:beam: :run:
I know, I just felt like it needed to be said anyway :beam:
Ill rephrase
=) cool a tutorial =)
Well done that man.
Sarcasm tags are so useful.
*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Well done that man.
Sarcasm tags are so useful. **
you dont say?
(sorry, felt like trying them again)
*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Well done that man.**
Thats the most common thing you’ve ever said :P:P
Pffft (and that’s probably the second).
It’s just something I say… You make up words, I say stuff. Simple.
You fungglemug!
That reminds me. I heard “chode” the other day. I haven’t heard that since high school and just started laughing after hearing it. I don’t even remember where I heard it, but it was funny.
ok then, this probably means absolutely nothing to you.
Hi Kit!! Waves back foolishly out of nurvousness…teeheehee…
Sen - I’m sorry man, I searched all over the forum, I don’t think I got the right keywords or something, becuause all I came up with was the link that Ahmed posted, but I couldn’t find anything on how to submit it. Even if it was sarcasam, those ‘scream’ smileys freak me out!!
Here’s a post with the tutorial in it:
Here’s a link straight to it:
In that first thread, I asked Jubba if I should write one and he never wrote back, so maybe the tut’s no good - but I still like it. I don’t know, lemme know what you guys (and beautiful girl) think about it. (-:
didn’t really read through the tute(though I imagine some people would find it useful) but I did notice one problem, if you right-click then click ‘forward’ it takes you to the forbidden zone.