Defining a function for a dynamically created clip?

i wanna write a function for the onPress handler for a movieclip that will be created dynamically… how do i do it? this is what i’m doing:

only the ending part of this loop is relevant, where i am writing the thisMC.onpress function. The trace text never appears…

for (var i = 0; i<galleryLength; i++) 
    var thisMC:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("image"+i+"_mc", i);
    loadMovie(gallery_array*.src, thisMC);
   thisMC._x = 50*xPos+adjust;
   thisMC._y = 50*yPos;
   thisMC._xscale = 10;
   thisMC._yscale = 10;
   trace(thisMC+" "+thisMC._x+" "+thisMC._y);
      if ((i+1)%5 == 0)
    xPos = 0;
   //Here lies the problem:
   thisMC.onPress = function()
    trace("Pressed "+this);

this whole loop is inside the onClipEvent(load) of another clip. So when that clip is loaded, this code is executed…