Defining the *Hit area of a movie clip

I posted a thread a few days ago regarding defining the Clickable area or Hit fram of a movie clip, the guy gave me some help-saying that I should use Movie.hitarea or something like that. I worked with it for a hours until I just gave up. He listed all of the stages I needed to take, but as it is I am a visual learner so I really couldn’t grasp how to make another mc and use it as the Hit stage of the button mc I have. So this time I have included a sample of what I intend on doing with my movie clip button. basically I just want it so that the user can rollover the button and roll off it, activating the effect I have created; however, this is not complete without defining the Hit area of the movie clip, nor do I know how to add a hyperlink within the mc. With buttons its different-its easier and rather self explanatory. If anyone could help me by looking at my example I would appreciate it.
-the shogunate (shogun8) :asian: