Definitive answear sought for preloading main + individual swf's


I would like to preload my main page as well have individual swf’s load upon button release inside my main with each of my swfs having there own preloader. Problem is the conflict. I followed a preloader tutorial here at kirupa which works fine but it’s either one or the other: preload main or have preloaders for indiidual swfs inside main. I believe it’s in the A.S. For some reason the swf (to be loaded upon button release) preloader is effecting the main preloader.

And soo…if I want to preload main movie AND have preloaders for my to be loaded swfs what must I do? Is there a tutorial for that?

put preloaders in the .swf files you are loading. then when they are called … the preloader should play ((i think =)))

Let’s say two movies.
One we will call “main” and the other we will call “jr.”
Now jr. is all done up movie,preloader and all and expoted as a swf which now resides in the libary of main. Jr. is loaded into an empty mc in main. All works fine BUT wait! I added music and graphics to main so now main needs a preloader too! I add a preloader to main and test. It doesn’t work! Preloader of main conflicts with Preloader of the jr. So I need to know what to change. The preloader I am using is the % preloader from the Tutorial at Kirupa.

Anybody know?

i have a problem with the preloader to …i followed one of the tutorials but i still have problems because in the tuorials it said to put it infront of my movie but then the thing is my whole is invovled so where do i place to preloader so im gonna kinda lost to

hmm i did a test … mine doesn’t work either … i dunno :frowning: