Delaying a preloader movie clip

Hey guys,

Anyone know how to delay a preloader so that it runs smoothly?

this is the script I am using as of now.

onClipEvent (load) {
totalBytes =_root.getBytesTotal();

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
loadedBytes =_root.getBytesLoaded();
percentLoaded = Math.round (loadedBytes/totalBytes*100);
gotoAndStop (percentLoaded);
percentLoaded_txt.text = percentLoaded;
if (loadedBytes ==totalBytes) {
_root.gotoAndPlay (“website”);

Basically I just want to play the movie clip SMOOTHLY. or at least for it to play every single frame, as of now it will start the preloader at frame 30, then it jumps to frame 56, then 92, and doesnt even finish the animation, which defeats the purpose of my customized preloader, any ideas?

Thanks, :thumb2: