Deleting / removing objects like buttons and textboxes using actionscript 2.0

Hi all !

I made a small program attached for your convenience. Frame 1 creates text boxes using actionscript. Frame 2 to frame 19 has a simple welcome color / motion tween. After frame 1 executes the code I want to delete the text boxes or any other object on screen before the tween begins on frame 2 to frame 19. The method I tried , using removeTextField, does not seem to work. Can anyone help me with this and also suggest if this could be done in a better and more efficient manner.

Thanks for any help.

The code for those who won’t wanna download a file.

stop();for(var i=0; i<6; i++)
  //create textfield in one column, can adjust the width and height
  //again after text been input in
    _root.createTextField("textfield"+i, i, 30, i*30+25, 50, 30);
      _root["textfield"+i].border = true;
//    _root["textfield"+i].align = "right";
      _root["textfield"+i].text = i*2;
    var sans:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    sans.size = 12;
    sans.font = "Arial";
    sans.align = "right" ;
//    sans.size = 18;
    align.font = "New Courier";

function Moveon(){
        for(var i=0; i<6; i++){

MoveID = setInterval ("Moveon", 5000);